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ALAL Institutions

2012-01-06 0 2119 Views



The Congress is the highest governing institution of the Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania (ALAL). At the Congress each local government has one representative for every ten members on its council. In addition to this quota municipalities with population is greater than 100 000 may elect one additional representative for each additional 100 000 inhabitants. The Congress determines the basic activities of the ALAL, elects the President and two Vice-Presidents of the Association, approves and makes changes to regulations, admits and eliminates members, as well as approves the budget.


The President represents the Association in government institutions, international organizations, co-ordinates adjustment of draft laws related to the municipal activities and signs agreements. The President and Vice-Presidents of the ALAL are elected by open voting in the Congress.


In between the congresses the Association is governed by the Council, consisting of mayors and vice-mayors of municipalities, the President and Vice-Presidents (if they are not mayors). Council carries out the functions determined by the Congress; approves the programme of the Association; discusses the draft laws and resolutions submitted by the Board; establishes, reorganizes or liquidates companies and public enterprises of the Association.


Board of Association consists of representatives of mayors of counties’ local authorities, elected at a meeting of county mayors, President and Vice-Presidents of the Association, and mayor of the capital (if he is not President/ Vice-President or county mayor representative). The Board discusses problems brought forward at council and mayor meetings, offers solutions, makes suggestions on self-government related laws to government institutions, establishes work tasks for the administration, and approves the list of committees.

Click here to find out more about ALAL Borad members.


Administration organizes and co-ordinates activities of the Association and acts in accordance with the resolutions of the Association’s institutions and orders of the director.

For contact data of ALAL Administration Click here.

Committees of ALAL

The day to day work of the ALAL is carried out in thematic Standing Committees. Currently there are eight Standing Committees of the ALAL:

  • Education and Culture Committee;
  • Committee on Environmental Protection;
  • Committee on Energy;
  • Information Society Committee;
  • International Relations Committee;
  • Committee on Land Management and Rural Issues;
  • Committee on Municipal Administration;
  • Committee on Municipal Finance and Economy;
  • Committee on Social Affairs;
  • Committee on Healthcare;
  • Committee on Public Procurement;
  • Committee on Information Society Development;
  • Subcommittee on Civil Protection.
Kategorija:   ALAL